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Pachamama SonQO

Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats

The Signs of Life Psychology has partnered with Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats for Health Care Professionals

The Signs of Life will be offering preparation and integration harm reduction education programs with Pachamama Sonqo.  SOL and Pacahama Sonqo share the same values of bridging science and the sacred by working with indigenous cultures and lineages; so we may reconnect to the rhythm of life.


Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats

Pachamama SonQO

Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats

The Signs of Life Psychology has partnered with Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats for Health Care Professionals

The Signs of Life will be offering preparation and integration harm reduction education programs with Pachamama Sonqo.  SOL and Pacahama Sonqo share the same values of bridging science and the sacred by working with indigenous cultures and lineages; so we may reconnect to the rhythm of life.


Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats
Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats

Pachamama Sonqo is a safe, nurturing place where you can reconnect with the rhythm of life, rediscover the depths of your soul, and remember the truth of who you are. Their  mission is to immerse you in the sacred traditions and spiritual practices of Peruvian indigenous culture. Here, you can gently peel back the layers of conditioning, identify hidden or forgotten parts of yourself, and reclaim the memories of your true essence—the “remembering.”

The Signs of Life and Pachamama Sonqo will be offering carefully curated education programs and retreats for health care professionals only.

*No clients with NDIS or mental health care plans. These retreats are designed for professionals seeking to explore, expand and deepen their contemplative practices.

Pachamama Sonqo Peruvian Retreats

Pachamama Sonqo is a safe, nurturing place where you can reconnect with the rhythm of life, rediscover the depths of your soul, and remember the truth of who you are. Their  mission is to immerse you in the sacred traditions and spiritual practices of Peruvian indigenous culture. Here, you can gently peel back the layers of conditioning, identify hidden or forgotten parts of yourself, and reclaim the memories of your true essence—the “remembering.”

The Signs of Life and Pachamama Sonqo will be offering carefully curated education programs and retreats for health care professionals only.

*No clients with NDIS or mental health care plans. These retreats are designed for professionals seeking to explore, expand and deepen their contemplative practices.

Peru is Calling!

Join Dr. Lani Roy from The Signs of Life Psychology and Brooke Lumsden from Pachamamma Sonqo for our transformative 

Peru Pilgrimage in October 2025.

 This deeply spiritual journey is designed to connect you with ancient healing traditions and sacred landscapes.

Program Overview:
Weeks 1-4: Pre-pilgrimage preparation, including self-paced and live programs based on Dr. Lani Roy’s research, co-created with the global dietero and Wachuma community.

Weeks 5-8: A 21-day immersive experience, featuring a 10-day jungle dieta and time spent in the Andes with the revered Apu Ausangate.

Weeks 8-11: Self-paced and live programs focusing on integration and coaching, supporting you in turning altered states of consciousness into embodied ways of seeing, being, and doing.

Cost: $7,000 USD (Flights not included)

The Role of Curanderos
Curanderos, or traditional healers, are central to the dieta process, guiding participants through a spiritual journey. Romina and Brunswick, from the Ashaninka lineage, have dedicated their lives to these traditions. Their expertise helps participants connect with the land, plants, music, and ceremony, ensuring a safe and enriching dieta experience.

The Amazon Rainforest and the Dieta Tradition
Renowned for its biodiversity, the Amazon Rainforest is home to ancient healing practices carried out by indigenous curanderos. A dieta involves forming relationships with master plants, accompanied by dietary and behavioral restrictions to cleanse the body. Through rituals, plant medicine, and sacred songs (icaros), curanderos facilitate deep spiritual growth and healing.

Sacred Andean Tradition
During the first part of the pilgrimage in Pisac and the Sacred Valley, we will work with the lineage of the 7 Rays, guided by Maestro Ruben, a Pampa Mesayoq (ritual specialist and Wachumero). Alongside our Paqos (traditional Peruvian shamans), you will engage with the sacred energies of this ancient land.

This pilgrimage is a unique opportunity to experience the power of the Andes and the Amazon, blending evidence-based harm reduction practices with spiritual preparation and integration. We believe in balancing science and the sacred for a truly transformative journey.

Don’t miss this chance to connect deeply with yourself, the natural world, and traditions passed down through generations.

Not currently taking SOL clients with MHCP or NDIS. Dr Lani Roy is not a presciber of medicines and adheres to the laws of Australia and Peru.
For more info click here

We are excited to announce the October offering:

We are blessed to work with two ancient lineages, offering a two-part journey. Depending on eligibility (assessed by the Pachamam Sonqo team). You may choose to participate in one part or both.

The first part begins in Cusco, the Sacred Valley of the Inca, where we work with the local curanderos and their legal lineage of the plant medicine of the Andes, Wachuma (also known as San Pedro or Tsunaq). We conclude this part of the retreat in the Sacred Valley on October 20th. 

For the second part, we meet in Pucallpa on October 23rd, in the Sacred Amazon Rainforest. Here, we have the opportunity to engage with various plants through a “dieta” and work with the ancient medicine of the jungle, Ayahuasca.

During the first part of our journey in Pisac and the Sacred Valley, we work with the lineage of the 7 Rays alongside our Paqos (traditional Peruvian shamans). This part is led by Maestro Ruben, a Pampa Mesayoq (ritual specialist and Wachumero). Ruben and our beloved Paqos will guide us on three potent journeys across three very sacred sites:

  1.  Apu Huanacauri: The Chakana Temple

  2.  Nusta Poc Poc: A sacred waterfall with a beautiful story we will share with you

  3.  Apu Ausangate: Here, you will have the opportunity to receive your first Karpay—a blessing marking the commencement of your sacred path of service. This special honor is a profound step for anyone ready to embrace their path.

Find out more about our Peruvian retreats

More dates and offerings to be announced soon.


It is important to note that while ayahuasca is legal in Peru and forms part of their protected culture and traditional practices, the same is not true in Australia. The medicines and wisdom traditions shared on this experience adhere to local Peruvian law and will be managed and moderated by the local traditional owners.

Currently, in Australia, ayahuasca is illegal. The Signs of Life does not endorse or encourage illegal use of Ayahuasca in Australia. No staff member of SOL provides medicines in Australia or in Peru. This retreat is designed as a cultural experience with health care professionals who are assessed by Pachamama Songo and their respective medical and insurance teams.