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The Realms of Preparation and Integration Dr Lani Roy and Melissa Warner

Dr Lani Roy and Melissa Warner have journeyed through many dark nights of the soul and academic voyages together. Their Certificate of Psychedelics and Contemplative Therapies, and Realms of Preparation and Integration offerings would not be possible without the foundation of anam cara. 

To be anam cara, you must be willing to hold up the mirror, to share your self, the shadow, the inner workings of your mind, and yearnings of your heart. From this space, others can also rise with Anam cara, cultivating lasting bonds and fostering dynamic atmospheres where the Celtics believe souls can mingle, cut across conventions, and create with no limits to space, time, or dimension.

Lani and Melissa Workshop

“Central here, is the recognition and awakening to an ancient belonging between friends… because the human heart is never completely born, love is the continuous birth of creativity within and between us” Anam cara – John O’Donohue.  (1997, p.16).

Similarly, to anam cara, psychedelic assisted psychotherapy offers the opportunity to hold up the mirror to self and the aspirations of consciousness which can transcend conditioning, disconnection, mental illness and existential despair; opening the door to creativity, connection, and potentiality.

However, for these elements to unfold, we invite you to simultaneously and paradoxically dream widely with us as we collaborate in the psychedelic ecosystem whilst grounding firmly with discernment and wisdom. As we dream, vision and co-create we must instil strong pillars to hold the foundations of this work. We need strong foundations that can hold both the science and the sacred, so that psychedelic therapy is embedded safely within the interconnected web of our social, cultural, political, spiritual and health care systems.

This program provides one with a road map to navigate psychedelic landscapes- shifting altered states, into altered traits and embodied wisdom. 

This workshop provides a comprehensive skillset to better support a spectrum of psychedelic experiences. We will explore options for preparation, considerations for the journey and pathways for integrating psychedelic states. Psychedelics with supportive set, setting and skills can facilitate transformative experiences, yet not every journey is transformative and unique challenges can arise. While we can’t ever predict the outcome, throughout the day will explore appropriate tools, skills and strategies to reduce adverse experience and scaffold transformative altered state experience. We will unpack knowledge and frameworks supported by practical examples and guided reflections. This will incorporate elements from wisdom practices, neuroscience, modern therapeutic modalities as well as nature based perspectives.

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Workshop Waitlist Form
Join us for future pre-recorded content designed for self-paced exploration, featuring life reflective practices and Q&A sessions to enhance your learning journey.